getting started

hey there! Want to help in the conservation of wildlife? Let's donate to WRSCF. WRFCF (Wildlife Reserve Singapore Conservation Fund) set up in order to preserve the endangered animals native to Singapore and around Southeast Asia and create awareness for the public on the plight of wildlife. By donating to the fund; we will be contributing to more conservation activities done in order to preserve the dwindling wildlife of our Planet Earth. So what are you waiting for? Log onto to start donating or for more information. With just a little generosity no matter how small will aid in going a long wayfor those endangered animals in need of help.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Pangolins

Any mammal of the order Pholidota, of Africa and tropical Asia,having a covering of broad, overlapping, horny scales and feeding on ants and termites. They are also called as ‘scaly anteater’.

Pangolins are mammals with have large keratin scales covering their skin and are the only mammals with this adaptation. They are found in tropical regions of Africa and Asia. The name "pangolin" derives from the Malay word pengguling ("something that rolls up").
They are nocturnal animals, and use their well-developed sense of smell to find insects. The long-tailed pangolin is also active by day. They spend most of the daytime sleeping, curled up into a ball.
Pangolins were classified with various other orders, for example Xenarthra, which includes the ordinary anteaters, sloths, and the similar-looking armadillos. But newer genetic evidence indicates that their closest living relatives are the Carnivora. Some paleontologists have classified the pangolins in the order Cimolesta, together with several extinct groups.
Pangolins are hunted and eaten in many parts of Africa and are one of the more popular types of bush meat. Pangolins are also in great demand in China because their meat is considered a delicacy and some Chinese believe pangolin scales reduce swelling, promote blood circulation and help breast-feeding women produce milk. This, coupled with deforestation, has led to a large decrease in the numbers of Giant Pangolins. In November 2010, pangolins were added to the Zoological Society of London's list of genetically distinct and endangered mammals.
Pangolin populations have suffered from illegal trafficking. In May 2007, for example, reported that 31 pangolins were found aboard an abandoned vessel off the coast of China. The boat contained some 5,000 endangered animals.
So, it is very important for us to conserve the pangolins out there and save them from being further endangered!! Help us by supporting the WRFCF (Wildlife Reserve Singapore Conservation Fund)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Hornbills

Hornbills are a family of birds located in tropical and sub-tropical continents such as Africa, Asia and Melanesia. Hornbills depending on their habitat often nest in trees and sometimes cliffs. The birds are often identified by their curved and colourful beaks; a prominent features among this family of birds. Other than being a distinctive feature of the bird itself; the large beak of the Hornbills also assists in fighting; cleaning; building their nest and for hunting.
In certain species of Hornbills, their beaks are larger and enable them to make unique sounds which are distinctive to their species. The feathers of the Hornbills usually range from black, grey, white and brown but certain species have bright patches of colors on their face and beak. Male Hornbills are usually larger and heavier then female Hornbills. In some species; the colour patches on their faces can also identify the sexes of the birds.
Hornbills also possess special eyesight that prevents them from being blocked by their giant bill and enables them to handle their food with precision. Hornbills also have long eyelashes that acts as sunshade and keeps sunlight out from their eyes. Hornbills often travel in pairs or in groups. Hornbills have a diet that consists of fruits, insects and small animals.
Due to the structure of their beaks; they are unable to swallow their food properly and can only toss the food to the back of their throats in order to swallow it. Nowadays; Hornbills face extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. It is important to conserve this species so that the future generation can also see this beautiful bird soaring through the skies.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Proboscis Monkey

Proboscis monkey is found in the coastal areas of Borneo. There is less than 3000 proboscis monkey.
The Proboscis monkey has reddish brown fur; a large pot belly; a long tail and nose which cover the mouth of the monkey.
The distinctive nose is used for making loud honking sounds when it warns danger.  The nose also turns red and swells when it is excited or angry. When proboscis monkey are eating the nose moves to the side.
They have digestives system of different components which contains bacteria that digest cellulose of tough leaves and neutralize toxins within certain leaves and seeds.
Proboscis monkey is the only mid size mammal that live in the canopy layer. Proboscis monkeys live in two different type of group.  One group contains all male from all ages. Then another group is living in harems which are led by a male. They are not territorial and aggressive but they do join group to have larger territory. They are being forced out from their homes due to deforestation and urbanization which is why we should preserve the environment for our future generation to have a glimpse of this cute monkey.